Mini3250 User Manual Rev 1.0 Release: 2012-09-05 Mini3250 User Manual Revision History Rev Date Description 1.0 2012-09-05 Initial version Contact information For additional information, please visit: http://www. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc., Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 2 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Table of Contents CHAPTER 1 MINI3250 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 5 1.1 Processor Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 5 1.2 Features ............................................................................................................................................... 5 CHAPTER 2 HARDWARE ON MINI3250 ................................................................................................................ 6 2.1 Mini3250 system block diagram ....................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Layout ................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Pin Allocation ....................................................................................................................................... 7 2.4 Signal Mapping.................................................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Interface description ......................................................................................................................... 13 2.5.1 LCD interface ............................................................................................................................. 13 2.5.2 MicroSD card interface ............................................................................................................. 15 2.5.3 USB interface ............................................................................................................................. 15 2.5.4 JTAG interface (Optional) ......................................................................................................... 15 2.6 Introduction of Circuit Module ......................................................................................................... 16 2.6.1 Mini3250 memory mapping ...................................................................................................... 16 2.6.2 SDRAM ....................................................................................................................................... 16 2.6.3 NANDFLASH.............................................................................................................................. 17 2.6.4 NORFLASH ................................................................................................................................ 18 2.6.5 LED .............................................................................................................................................. 18 CHAPTER 3 MINI3250 SOFTWARE SYSTEM FOR LINUX .................................................................................... 20 3.1 Bootloader .......................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Linux Kernel ....................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.1 Generate Kernel Image ............................................................................................................ 20 3.2.2 Custom Linux kernel for Mini3250 .......................................................................................... 23 CHAPTER 4 UPDATE IMAGE TO MINI3250......................................................................................................... 26 4.1 Burn Stage 1 Loader......................................................................................................................... 26 4.1.1 Hardware requement ................................................................................................................ 26 4.1.2 Enviroment setting ..................................................................................................................... 26 4.1.3 Download the Stage 1 Loader to Mini3250 ........................................................................... 27 4.2 Update Uboot..................................................................................................................................... 28 4.2.1 Update Uboot through UART5 ................................................................................................ 28 4.2.2 Update Uboot through MicroSD card ..................................................................................... 29 4.3 Update Linux Kenel .......................................................................................................................... 30 4.3.1 Update Kernel througt Network (TFTP server) ..................................................................... 30 4.3.2 Update Kernel througt MicroSD Card ..................................................................................... 31 4.4 Update JFFS2 filesystem................................................................................................................. 32 4.4.1 Update the JFFS2 filesystem through Network .................................................................... 32 4.4.2 Update filesystem through MicroSD Card ............................................................................. 33 4.5 Customize Your Own loadme.bin ................................................................................................... 34 5.1 Hardware Connection....................................................................................................................... 36 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 3 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 5.2 Hyper Terminal Configuratin ............................................................................................................ 36 5.2 Linux Software Usage ...................................................................................................................... 36 5.2.1 Command rz Receiving File from PC ..................................................................................... 36 5.2.2 Command tftp Receiving File From TFTP Server ................................................................ 37 5.2.3 Using USB Disk ......................................................................................................................... 37 5.2.4 Using MicroSD Card.................................................................................................................. 37 5.2.5 Terminate Program ................................................................................................................... 37 5.2.6 Set System Time ....................................................................................................................... 38 5.2.7 Button Test (Devkit3250) .......................................................................................................... 38 5.2.8 Uart Test (Devkit3250) .............................................................................................................. 39 5.2.9 EEPROM Test (Devkit3250) .................................................................................................... 40 5.2.10 Led & Beep Test (Devkit3250) .............................................................................................. 40 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 4 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Chapter 1 Mini3250 Introduction Mini3250 is designed as a compact, stable, and reliable ARM-based module board. It is ready to be the core of your new product. The Mini3250 measuring only 75mm by 55mm, however it has integrated one LCD connector, one MicroSD card socket and one USB 2.0 OTG port on board, which helps to speed up your development sharply. 1.1 Processor Introduction The Mini3250 is based on NXP's 32-bit ARM926EJ core microcontroller LPC3000 series, which is the only ARM9 microcontroller that provides a vector floating-point co-processor. The LPC3000 series is able to run in ultra-low-power mode even down to 0.9V, as well as the lowest power consumption. The LPC3000 series owns abundant peripheral resource, one of the most distinguishing features is to provide 7 UART controllers which is rare in ARM microprocessors, moreover, it integrated a USB 2.0 OTG controller, Ethernet controller and so on. With such outstanding performance, the Mini3250 is perfect to be employed in Industrial field, Medical Equipment, Intelligent Instrument, Consumer Electronics, Communication Product, and etc. 1.2 Features Microprocessor: NXP LPC3250, operates at 208MHz up to 266MHz A 32 KB instruction cache and a 32 KB data cache on chip Up to 256 KB of internal SRAM Memory SDRAM: 64MB NANDFLASH: 128MB NORFLASH: 4MB, up to 32MB supported Connector Extended via double 2.0mm pitch 3 lines 27-pin respectively connectors One JTAG port on the rear of the board (Optional) One 40-pin LCD connector MicroSD Card Socket One USB OTG 2.0 connector, mini-B type, with ESD protection Indicator One power indicator One programmable LED Other facility Watchdog timer, supported with the microprocessor RTC Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 5 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Chapter 2 hardware on Mini3250 This chapter describes the hardware circuit facility of the Mini3250 , and a detailed description of the interface signals. 2.1 Mini3250 system block diagram The block diagram of the Mini3250 is shown in Figure 2.1. OTG HEADER TFT_LCD CONNECTOR TF_CARD 5V RGB666 OTG_PHY LED 5V USB VDD_RTC 3.3V 81 PIN H E A D E R LDO UART*7 VDD_CORE DC-DC DATA[15:0] RMII/MII LPC3250 ADDR[23:0] JTAG GPO/GPI/GPIO WE/OE/CS ADC IIS /SDIO/SPI /IICBUS RESETOUT GPO SUPERVISOR SDRAM VBAT JTAG HEADER NANDFLASH 81 PIN H E A D E R NORFLASH Figure 2.1 Block Diagram of Mini3250 2.2 Layout The Mechanical Structure of Mini3250 is shown as figure 2.2. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 6 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Figure 2.2 Mechanical Structure of Mini3250 2.3 Pin Allocation The pin definition of the Mini3250 Expansion Interface is shown in Figure 2.3 Figure 2.3 Pin definition of the Mini3250 Expansion Interface Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 7 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Pin Allocation of the Mini3250 Expansion Interface connector is shown in Table 2-1: Table 2-1-a Pin Allocation of Mini3250 1 of 2 No A B C 1 GND USB_D+ USB_D- 2 GPIO_05/SSEL0/MCFB0 SPI1_DATIO/MOSI0/MCFB2 SPI1_DATIN/MISO0/GPI_25 /MCFB1 3 SPI1_CLK/SCK0 GPO_11 GND 4 I2C1_SDA I2C1_SCL I2C2_SDA 5 I2C2_SCL MS_DIO3/MAT0.3 MS_DIO2/MAT0.2 6 MS_SCLK MS_DIO1/MAT0.1 MS_DIO0/MAT0.0 7 MS_BS GPIO_01 I2S1TX_WS/CAP3.0 8 I2S1TX_SDA I2S1TX_CLK/MAT3.0 GPI_00/I2S1RX_SDA 9 I2S1RX_WS P0.0/I2S1RX_CLK GPO_20 10 GND GPO_14 GPO_05 11 GPO_04 GPO_00/TST_CLK1 VCC5 12 EMC_CS1_N USB_ID EMC_OE_N 13 EMC_WR_N EMC_CS2_N ADDR16 14 ADDR23 ADDR22 ADDR21 15 ADDR20 ADDR19 ADDR18 16 ADDR17 GND ADDR15 17 ADDR14 ADDR13 ADDR12 18 ADDR11 ADDR10 ADDR9 19 ADDR8 ADDR7 ADDR6 20 ADDR5 ADDR4 ADDR3 21 ADDR2 ADDR1 ADDR0 22 DATA15 DATA14 DATA13 23 DATA12 DATA11 DATA10 24 DATA9 DATA8 DATA7 25 DATA6 DATA5 DATA4 26 DATA3 DATA2 DATA1 27 GND DATA0 VDD33 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 8 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Table 2-1-b Pin Allocation Pin Allocation of Mini3250 2 of 2 No D E F 1 ADIN0/TS_XM GND GND 2 ADIN1/TS_YM RESOUT_N GND 3 GPO_02/MAT1.0/LCDVD[0] GPO_03/LCDVD[1] GPO_07/LCDVD[2] 4 GPO_10/MC2B/LCDPWR GPO_06/LCDVD[18] GPO_09/LCDVD[9] 5 PWM_OUT2/LCDVD[19] SPI2_DATIO/MOSI1 /LCDVD[20] SPI2_DATIN/MISO1 /LCDVD[21]/GPI_27 6 GPIO_04/SSEL1/LCDVD[22] SPI2_CLK/SCK1/LCDVD[23] GPO_08/LCDVD[8] 7 GPO_22/U7_HRTS /LCDVD[14] U7_RX/CAP0.0/LCDVD[10] /GPI_23 U7_TX/MAT1.1/LCDVD[11] 8 U7_HCTS/CAP0.1 /LCDCLKIN/GPI_22 GPO_21/U4_TX/LCDVD[3] GPI_01/SERVICE_N 9 GPI_04/SPI1_BUSY GPI_07/CAP4.0/MCABOR GPIO_00 10 GND KEY_COL4/ENET_RXD0 KEY_COL5/ENET_RXD1 11 KEY_COL3/ENET_CRS KEY_COL2/ENET_RX_ER KEY_COL1/ENET_RX_CLK /ENET_REF_CLK 12 KEY_ROW4/ENET_TXD0 KEY_ROW5/ENET_TXD1 KEY_ROW3/ENET_TX_EN 13 KEY_COL0/ENET_TX_CLK GPI_02/CAP2.0 /ENET_RXD3 GPI_06/HSTIM_CAP /ENET_RXD2 14 GPI_08/KEY_COL6 /SPI2_BUSY/ENET_RX_DV GPI_09/KEY_COL7 /ENET_COL KEY_ROW2/ENET_TXD3 15 KEY_ROW1/ENET_TXD2 KEY_ROW0/ENET_TX_ER GPIO_02/KEY_ROW6 /ENET_MDC 16 GPIO_03/KEY_ROW7 /ENET_MDIO DBGEN MR_RESET 17 RESET_N TMS RTCK 18 TDO TDI TCK 19 NTRST U6_IRTX U6_IRRX/GPI_21 20 U5_TX U5_RX/GPI_20 GPO_12/MC2A/LCDLE 21 GPI_19/U4_RX GPI_28/U3_RI GPI_05/U3_DCD 22 U3_TX U3_RX/GPI_18 U2_TX/U3_DTR 23 GPO_23/U2_HRTS/U3_RTS U2_RX/U3_DSR/GPI_17 U2_HCTS/U3_CTS/GPI_16 24 U1_TX U1_RX/CAP1.0/GPI_15 GND 25 ADIN2/TS_AUX_IN ONSW GPO_17 26 EMC_BLS1 EMC_BLS0 EMC_CS3_N 27 VDD33 VSBAT GND 2.4 Signal Mapping The signal mapping of Mini3250 is show as table 2-2. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 9 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Table 2-2 signal mapping Signal Function system signal ONSW Connect to ONSW of LPC3250 TST_CLK1 Connect to GPO_00/TST_CLK1 of LPC3250 MR_RESET Connect to nMR of MP811 with 100KOHM pull-up NRESET Connect to RESET_N of LPC3250 and NRESET of MP811 with 100KOHM pull-up RESOUT Connect to RESOUT_N of LPC3250 Memory bus signal ADDR[0:23] Connect to EMC_A[0:23] of LPC3250 DATA[0:15] Connect to EMC_D[0:15]of LPC3250 NBLS[0:1] Connect to EMC_BLS[0:1] of LPC3250 EMC_CS[1:3]_N Connect to EMC_CS[1:3]_N of LPC3250 NWE Connect to EMC_WR_N of LPC3250 NOE Connect to EMC_OE_N of LPC3250 UART signal U1_TX Connect to U1_TX of LPC3250 U1_RX Connect to U1_RX/CAP1.0/GPI_15 of LPC3250 U2_TX Connect to U2_TX/U3_DTR of LPC3250 U2_RX Connect to U2_RX/U3_DSR/GPI_17 of LPC3250 U2_HRTS Connect to GPO_23/U2_HRTS/U3_RTS U3_TX Connect to U3_TX of LPC3250 U3_RX Connect to U3_RX/GPI_18 of LPC3250 U3_CTS Connect to U2_HCTS/U3_CTS/GPI_16 of LPC3250 U3_DCD Connect to GPI_05/U3_DCD U3_RI Connect to GPI_28/U3_RI U4_RX Connect to GPI_19/U4_RX of LPC3250 U4_TX Connect to GPO_21/U4_TX/LCDVD[3] of LPC3250 U5_RX Connect to U5_RX/GPI_20 of LPC3250 U5_TX Connect to U5_TX of LPC3250 U6_IRTX Connect to U6_IRTX of LPC3250 U6_IRRX Connect to U6_IRRX/GPI_21 of LPC3250 U7_RX Connect to U7_RX/CAP0.0/LCDVD[10]/GPI_23of LPC3250 U7_HRTS Connect to GPO_22/U7_HRTS/LCDVD[14] U7_HCTS Connect to U7_HCTS/CAP0.1/LCDCLKIN/GPI_22 U7_TX Connect to U7_TX/MAT1.1/LCDVD[11] of LPC3250 I2C signal I2C1_SCL Connect to I2C1_SCL of LPC3250 I2C1_SDA Connect to I2C1_SDA of LPC3250 I2C2_SCL Connect to I2C2_SCL of LPC3250 I2C2_SDA Connect to I2C2_SDA of LPC3250 I2S signal Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 10 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual I2S1TX_CLK Connect to I2S1TX_CLK/MAT3.0 of LPC3250 I2S1TX_SDA Connect to I2S1TX_SDA of LPC3250 I2S1TX_WS Connect to I2S1TX_WS/CAP3.0 of LPC3250 I2S1RX_CLK Connect to P0.0/I2S1RX_CLK of LPC3250 I2S1RX_SDA Connect to GPI_00/I2S1RX_SDA of LPC3250 I2S1RX_WS Connect to I2S1RX_WS of LPC3250 SPI signal SPI2_CLK Connect to SPI2_CLK/SCK1/LCDVD[23] of LPC3250 SPI1_CLK Connect to SPI1_CLK/SCK0 of LPC3250 MISO1 Connect LPC3250 MISO0 Connect to SPI1_DATIN/MISO0/GPI_25/MCFB1of LPC3250 MOSI1 Connect to SPI2_DATIO/MOSI1/LCDVD[20] of LPC3250 MOSI0 Connect to SPI1_DATIO/MOSI0/MCFB2 of LPC3250 SSEL0 Connect to GPIO_05/SSEL0/MCFB0 of LPC3250 SPI1_BUSY Connect to GPI_04/SPI1_BUSY of LPC3250 SPI2_BUSY Connect to GPI_08/KEY_COL6/SPI2_BUSY/ENET_RX_DV of LPC3250 SSEL1 Connect to GPIO_04/SSEL1/LCDVD[22] of LPC3250 to SPI2_DATIN/MISO1/LCDVD[21]/GPI_27 of ADC signal ADIN0 Connect to ADIN0/TS_XM of LPC3250 ADIN1 Connect to ADIN1/TS_YM of LPC3250 ADIN2 Connect to ADIN2 /TS_AUX_IN of LPC3250 GPIO signal GPO_02 Connect to GPO_02/MAT1.0/LCDVD[0] of LPC3250 GPO_03 Connect to GPO_03/LCDVD[1] of LPC3250 GPO_04 Connect to GPO_04of LPC3250 GPO_05 Connect to GPO_05of LPC3250 GPO_06 Connect to GPO_06/LCDVD[18] of LPC3250 GPO_07 Connect to GPO_07/LCDVD[2]of LPC3250 GPO_08 Connect to GPO_08/LCDVD[8] of LPC3250 GPO_09 Connect to GPO_09/LCDVD[9] of LPC3250 GPO_10 Connect to GPO_10/MC2B/LCDPWR of LPC3250 GPO_11 Connect to GPO_11 of LPC3250 GPO_12 Connect to GPO_12/MC2A/LCDLE of LPC3250 GPO_14 Connect to GPO_14 of LPC3250 GPO_17 Connect to GPO_17 of LPC3250 GPO_20 Connect to GPO_20 of LPC3250 GPI_01 Connect to GPI_01/SERVICE_N of LPC3250 GPI_02 Connect to GPI_02/CAP2.0/ENET_RXD3 of LPC3250 GPI_07 Connect to GPI_07/CAP4.0/MCABORT of LPC3250 GPIO_00 Connect to GPIO_00 of LPC3250 Ethernet signal Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 11 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual ENET_RXD1 Connect to KEY_COL5/ENET_RXD1 of LPC3250 ENET_RX_CLK Connect to KEY_COL1/ENET_RX_CLK /ENET_REF_CLK of LPC3250 ENET_TX_EN Connect to KEY_ROW3/ENET_TX_EN of LPC3250 ENET_RXD2 Connect to GPI_06/HSTIM_CAP/ENET_RXD2 of LPC3250 ENET_TXD3 Connect to KEY_ROW2/ENET_TXD3 of LPC3250 ENET_MDC Connect to GPIO_02/KEY_ROW6/ENET_MDC of LPC3250 ENET_RXD0 Connect to KEY_COL4/ENET_RXD0 of LPC3250 ENET_RX_ER Connect to KEY_COL2/ENET_RX_ER of LPC3250 ENET_TXD1 Connect to KEY_ROW5/ENET_TXD1 of LPC3250 ENET_TX_ER Connect to KEY_ROW0/ENET_TX_ER of LPC3250 ENET_CRS Connect to KEY_COL3/ENET_CRS of LPC3250 ENET_TXD0 Connect to KEY_ROW4/ENET_TXD0 of LPC3250 ENET_TX_CLK Connect to KEY_COL0/ENET_TX_CLK of LPC3250 ENET_TXD2 Connect to KEY_ROW1/ENET_TXD2 of LPC3250 ENET_MDIO Connect to GPIO_03/KEY_ROW7/ENET_MDIO of LPC3250 ENET_COL Connect to GPI_09/KEY_COL7/ENET_COL of LPC3250 USB signal USB_D+ Connect to USB_D+ of ISP1301 with ESD protection USB_D- Connect to USB_D- of ISP1301 with ESD protection USB_ID Connect to ID of ISP1301 SD signal MS_DIO0 Connect to MS_DIO0/MAT0.0 of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up MS_DIO1 Connect to MS_DIO1/MAT0.1 of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up MS_DIO2 Connect to MS_DIO2/MAT0.2 of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up MS_DIO3 Connect to MS_DIO3/MAT0.3 of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up MS_SCLK Connect to MS_SCLK of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up MS_BS Connect to MS_BS of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up GPIO_01 Connect to GPIO_01 of LPC3250 and MicroSD slot detect pin Power signal VDD33 Mini3250 main power supply and power supply for LCD VCC5 USB HOST and power supply for LCD VSBAT LPC3250 RTC back-up power supply GND GND of Mini3250 PWM signal PWM_OUT2 Connect to PWM_OUT2/LCDVD[19] of LPC3250 JTAG signal NTRST Connect to NTRST of LPC3250 with 0OHM to NRESET DBGEN Connect to DBGEN of LPC3250 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 12 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual TMS Connect to TMS of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up TCK Connect to TCK of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up TDO Connect to TDO of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up RTCK Connect to RTCK of LPC3250 TDI Connect to TDI of LPC3250 with 10kOHM pull-up NOTE: More electrical specification of the pins please refers to the Datasheet of the LPC3250. 2.5 Interface description The interfaces layout of the Mini3250 is shown in Figure 2.4 USB LCD TF 40 1 JTAG (Buttom) Figure 2.4 Interface Layout 2.5.1 LCD interface Mini3250 provides a FPC connector for the LCD interface. There is an default 5V power supply on the LCD interface, user can change the power supply to 3V by change the resistance to support a different LCD. And it support the16bpp (5:5:5) and 16bpp (5:6:5) modes the LPC3250 LCD controller provides. The LCD Interface consists of the following components: LCD Power LCD panel data PWM controlled backlight and LCD enable Touch panel signal Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 13 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Table 2-3 shows a detailed mapping of the LPC3250 LCD port signals. Table 2-3 LCD Signal Assignment No Signal Name TYPE Function 1 VDD33/VCC5 POWER Power supply, Selected by R36 (5V) and R37 (3V) 2 VDD33/VCC5 POWER Same as pin1 3 GND POWER Ground 4 GND POWER Ground 5 GND POWER Power supply(GND) 6 LCDVD19 O LCD panel data 7 LCDVD20 O LCD panel data. 8 LCDVD21 O LCD panel data. 9 LCDVD22 O LCD panel data. 10 LCDVD23 O LCD panel data. 11 GND POWER Ground 12 NC - No connect 13 NC - No connect 14 LCDVD10 O LCD panel data. 15 LCDVD11 O LCD panel data. 16 LCDVD12 O LCD panel data. 17 LCDVD13 O LCD panel data. 18 LCDVD14 O LCD panel data. 19 LCDVD15 O LCD panel data. 20 GND POWER Ground 21 NC - No connect 22 NC - No connect 23 GND POWER Ground 24 LCDVD3 O LCD panel data. 25 LCDVD4 O LCD panel data. 26 LCDVD5 O LCD panel data. 27 LCDVD6 O LCD panel data. 28 LCDVD7 O LCD panel data. 29 GND POWER Ground 30 LCDPWR O LCD panel power enable 31 NC - No connect 32 PWM_OUT1 O Back Light control 33 LCDEN O TFT data enable output 34 VSYNC O Vertical synchronization pulse 35 HSYNC O Horizontal synchronization pulse 36 LCDCLK O LCD panel clock 37 TSXM I/O Touch screen X minus Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 14 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 38 TSXP I/O Touch screen X plus 39 TSYM I/O Touch screen Y minus 40 TSYP I/O Touch screen Y plus 2.5.2 MicroSD card interface Mini3250 owns a standard MicroSD card socket with plug detection design. MicroSD card interface connects with the SD/MMC card interface of CPU directly. The detection signal uses the GPIO_01 of CPU. Table 2-4 MicroSD card socket Pin Description Pin name Type Description MS_SCLK Output MicroSD card clock output with 10kOHM pull-up MS_BS Input MicroSD card command input with 10kOHM pull-up MS_DIO[3:0] Output MicroSD card data lines with 10kOHM pull-up GPIO_01 Input Detection signal with 200kOHM pull-up The function description of the Mini3250 MicroSD card socket is shown as figure 2.5. MS_SCLK CLK MS_BS CMD MS_DIO[3:0] DAT[3:0] GPIO_01 CD MicroSD card socket LPC3250 Figure 2.5 Function description 2.5.3 USB interface The Mini3250 provides a USB OTG interface with a Mini-AB OTG connector. The signals of the connector connect to LPC3250 through the OTG ATX from NXP (ISP 1301). The USB DATA pins are ESD protected. The USB_VBUS signal is connected to a current-limited power-distribution switch (TPS2045) output pin. 2.5.4 JTAG interface (Optional) JTAG Connector of Mini3250 provides a JTAG connection interface to the LPC3250. Table 2-5 provides a detailed list of the signals at the JTAG connector. You should cross reference this with your JTAG probe to ensure compatibility. Table 2-5 JTAG Signal Assignment Pin No. Signal Name Type Function 1 TMS input Test mode select input with 10k pull-up. 2 TDO output Test data output with 10k pull-up. 3 TDI input Test data input with 10k pull-up. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 15 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 4 TCK input Test clock input with 10k pull-up. 5 NTRST input Test Reset. 6 NRESET output System reset. 7 GND Power Ground. 8 VDD33 Power Power 2.6 Introduction of Circuit Module 2.6.1 Mini3250 memory mapping The memory mapping of the Mini3250 is shown as table 2-6. Table 2-6 Mini3250 memory mapping Start address End address Device CS note 0x0000 0000 0x7FFF FFFF IROM or IRAM CPU Internal Memories - 0x8000 0000 0x9FFF FFFF SDRAM EMC_DYSC0 32bit width 0xA000 0000 0xBFFF FFFF - EMC_DYSC1 - 0xC000 0000 0xDFFF FFFF RESERVED RESERVED RESERVED 0xE000 0000 0XE0FF FFFF NORFLASH EMC_CS0 8bit width 0XE100 0000 0XE1FF FFFF - EMC_CS1 - 0XE200 0000 0XE2FF FFFF - EMC_CS2 - 0XE300 0000 0XE3FF FFFF - EMC_CS3 - 0XE400 0000 0xFFFF FFFF RESERVED RESERVER - 2.6.2 SDRAM The Mini3250 SDRAM configured for 32-bit access using two 16-bit wide RAM chips at U3 and U4. The LPC3250 is capable of addressing a single RAM bank located at memory address 0x8000 0000 and extending to 0x9FFF FFFF via the /DYCS0 signal. But the permissible SDRAM memory access ranges of Mini3250 supplies for on-board memory are 64Mbytes, from Lower Memory Address 0x80000000 to Upper Memory Address 0x83FF FFFF. The second SDRAM memory bank located on /DYSC1 is not used on the Mini3250. Accesses to this region of memory should not be performed. The function description of the Mini3250 SDRAM is shown as figure 2.6, more information please refer to the schematic of the Mini3250. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 16 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual ADDR[0:12] A[0:12] ADDR[13:14] BA[0:1] NCS0 /CS NSRAS /RAS NSCAS /CAS NWE /WE EMC_CLK CLK EMC_CKE0 CLE DQM0 LDQM DQM1 UDQM DATA[0:15] DATA[0:15] SDRAM A[0:12] BA[0:1] /CS /RAS /CAS] /WE CLK CLE DQM2 LDQM DQM3 UDQM DATA[16:31] DATA[0:15] LPC3250 SDRAM Figure 2.6 SDRAM Function 2.6.3 NANDFLASH The NAND memory is comprised of a single 128MB chip located at U5 and is interfaced via the LPC3250 NAND memory bus. The function description of the Mini3250 NANDFLASH is shown as figure 2.7, more information please refer to the schematic of the Mini3250. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 17 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual FLASH_IO[0:7] I/O[0:7] FLASH_RDY R/B FLASH_CE_N /CE FLASH_WR_N /NFWE FLASH_RD_N /RE FLASH_CLE CLE FLASH_ALE ALE LPC3250 NANDFLASH Figure 2.7 NANDFLASH function 2.6.4 NORFLASH The NORFLASH memory is comprised of a single 2MB to 16MB chip located at U13. The function description for the NORFLASH circuit module is shown as figure 2.8. ADDR[0:23] A[0:23] DATA[0:16] DQ[0:15] NWE WE# RESETOUT RESET# EMC_OE OE# EMC_CS0 CE# BYTE# LPC3250 NORFLASH Figure 2.8 NORFLASH function 2.6.5 LED There are two LEDs in the Mini3250, D1 is used for the power indication and D2 is provided for development purposes. The LED's status is show as table 2-7 Table 2-7 LED's status STATUS ON D1 Mini3250 Power ON Mini3250 Power OFF D2 GPO_01 in low level GPO_01 in high level Mini3250 User Guide OFF Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 18 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual The location of the User LED and the function description is shown as Figure 2.9. Figure 2.9 Location of the User LED Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 19 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Chapter 3 Mini3250 software system for Linux General NANDFLASH Partition Start Addr End Addr Size Name 0x0000 0000 0x000C 0000 0x000C 0000 S1L 0x000C 0000 0x0018 0000 0x000C 0000 U-Boot 0x0018 0000 0x001C 0000 0x0004 0000 U-Boot Parameter 0x001C 0000 0x005C 0000 0x0040 0000 Kernel 0x005C 0000 0x0800 0000 0x07A4 0000 Filesystem 3.1 Bootloader Bootloader for Mini3250 Linux system includes two parts, one is Stage 1 Loader, and the other is Uboot. The Stage 1 Loader (S1L) is a robust third level boot loader written by NXP Semiconductor to simplify and enhance the LPC3250 booting procedure. The S1L is feature rich with the ability to configure clocking, virtual memory mapping, data and instruction caches, the ability to access NAND flash, and the ability to boot applications/images from the NAND flash, SD Card, or serial port to name a few of the features the S1L provides. Mini3250 adapt Uboot as the Bootloader for Linux. Uboot is a general free open source boot program that supports many kinds of processors; it is similar to BIOS on PC but much more powerful. Uboot supports features like booting from Ethernet and loading various kernels to NANDFLASH. Uboot is free open source code software based on GPL. 3.2 Linux Kernel If user need add or delete some character is respectively to or from kernel, or increase certained hardware support to kernel. To modify the drive compiled into kernel, user need recompile the kernel. The following steps will describe how to generate the kener image for the MINI3250 with the Linux develop kit in the supplied CD. 3.2.1 Generate Kernel Image The supplied CD provide the Linux develp kit for the Mini3250, user can use it to coustomilize the system and generate the kernel image. 1> Uncompress Linux kernel package The name of kernel source pack is "linux-". Execute the following command to unzip bz2 pack. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 20 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual tar zxvf linux- -C /home/mini3250/ Caution: file name may vary with the version upgrade, please check it a gainst the file name appearing in supplied CD. 2> Load default configurations In order that user could fast configure kernel, root folder of kernel source code provides four default configuration files: mini3250_480x272_mouse_config //for 4.3 inch LCD, use mouse in QT mini3250_480x272_touch_config //for 4.3 inch LCD, use touch screen in QT mini3250_800x480_mouse_config //for 7.0 inch LCD, use mouse in QT mini3250_800x480_touch_config //for 7.0 inch LCD, use mouse in QT Enter kernel source code folder generated, exute "make menuconfig" command to configure the properties. Cd /home/mini3250/linux- make menuconfig After that, you will get into the Linux kernel configuration. Shown as figure 3.1. Figure 3.1 Enter "Load an Alternate Configuration File" configurations: shown as figure 3.2. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 21 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Figure 3.2 Enter configuration file names such as Mini3250_800480_mouse.cfg and press "Enter", shown as figure 3.3. Figure 3.3 while in main menu, select to exit and save the settings. 3> Compile image After loading configuration file, save settings and exit, then exute "make uImage" command to Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 22 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual generate uImage kernel. Caution: Compiling kernel requires compiler ver. Arm-linux-gcc-4.3.2 version. Pleas e install the Cross compile tools to your PC before you compile the kernel. Make uImage Figure 3.4 Image file is generated at "arch/arm/boot" under kernel source code pack folder, the kernel image uImage that Uboot uses is generated. 3.2.2 Custom Linux kernel for Mini3250 Above steps configure and compile kernel using default files, in effect, Linux kernel has quite a number of configuration options. The following sections will describe some options in form of figures, in order to help you learn kernel configurations as soon as possible, so as to customize your own kernel. Run "make menuconfig", enter kernel configuration main menu: Table 3-1 function PATH Option LED System Type->LPC32XX Implementtations [] Enable a 1Hz LED heartbeat tick rate on the Phytec LPC3250 MII/RMII System Type->LPC32XX components chip [] Check to enable MII support or leave disabled for RMII support UART System chip [] Enable UART5 Type->LPC32XX Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 23 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual components-> Standard UARTS [] Enable UART3 [] Enable UART4 [] Enable UART6 HSUART System Type->LPC32XX chip components-> High speed UARTS [] Enable high speed UART1 [] Enable high speed UART2 [] Enable high speed UART7 I2C System Type->LPC32XX components->I2C interfaces [] Enable I2C0 [] Enable I2C1 []Enable the USB OTG I2C peripheral SPI/SSP System Type->LPC32XX chip components->SSP/SPI interface [] Enable SSP0 for SPI0 mode MicroSD card Device Drivers->SD/MMC support <*>SD/MMC block device driver [] use bounce buffer for simple hosts LCD Graphics support <*> Support for frame buffer devices <*> LCD framebuffer support LCD Size System Type - Implementations - LOGO Graphics support-> bootup logo [*] [*] [*] [*] USB mouse Device Drivers-> support <*>USB supoort <*> Support for Host-side USB <*> OHCI HCD support chip LPC32XX input device LCD module revisions (X) Select 4.3 inch LCD 480X272 Timll standard 224-color linux logo standard black and white linux logo standard 16-color linux logo Disable cursor when logo display <*> Event interface <*> USB Human Interface Devices (full HID) support [*] HID input layer support TOUCH Device Drivers-> support input device <*> Touchscreen interface <*> Event interface [*] touchscreens <*> LPC32XX touchscreen controller USB Disk Device Drivers-> USB support [*] legacy /proc/scsi support <*> SCSI disk support <*> USB Mass Storage support Buttons Device Drivers ---> Input device support ---> Keyboards ---> <*> Devkit3250 Buttons support LED/BEEP Device Drivers ---> Input device support ---> Keyboards ---> <*> Devkit3250 GPIO device support Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 24 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Note Because UART4 and UART7 conflict with LCD driver, please disable item below when enable UART4 or UART7. Device Drivers ---> Graphics support ---> <*> Support for frame buffer devices <> ---> ARM PrimeCell PL110 support Note: When using mini3250_xxx_mouse_config, please disable items below, because all input events will affect mouse event. So just only keep mouse input event. Device Drivers ---> Input device support <> ---> Touchscreen interface [] Touchscreens [*] Keyboards <> ---> ---> Devkit3250 Buttons support Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 25 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Chapter 4 Update image to Mini3250 This chapter mainly descripte how to update the Bootloader, kernel and the filesystem image to Mini3250. 4.1 Burn Stage 1 Loader 4.1.1 Hardware requement In order to download the Stage 1 Loader to Mini3250, user need to extend the UART5 and starup mode of Mini3250. VDD33 UART5 RS232 PC SERVICE_N MR_RESET Mini3250 GND GND Figure 4.1 The pin need to expand are show as table 4-1. Table 4-1 Pin function VDD33 Power supply GND Ground U5_RX UART receive U5_TX UART send SERVER_N Start up mode select MR_RESET System reset 4.1.2 Enviroment setting Burnning the Stage 1 Loader to the Mini3250, the English Version Windows XP operating system is needed, if your PC was installed the other vesion Windows XP system, please follow the steps to set PC language enviroment. 1> Open the "area and language option" form the control pannal. 2> Select "advance" option, and then change the language to "English(USA)". 3> At last press the "OK" button and reset the PC. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 26 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 4.1.3 Download the Stage 1 Loader to Mini3250 The follow steps will show you how to download the Stage 1 Loader to Mini3250. 1> Copy LPC3250 loader folder to your PC directory, the path doesn't allow to contain any Chinese characters. 2> Run LPC3250 loader.exe the restore.bin [ CD:\Image ] to download to the Mini3250. 3> Click the button to select the communication serial port. 4> Enable the terminal mode, if sucessul, it will output the imformation in the terminal output window. 5> Click the button to transmit the bin file to the Mini3250.see frame 5. 1 2 5 4 3 Figure 4.3 6> Driver the SERVER_N pin to low level and then driver the MR_RESET pin to low level to reset the Mini3250. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 27 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual VDD33 UART5 RS232 PC SERVICE_N Mini3250 MR_RESET GND GND After the reset, the system will start up from the UART5 and begin to download the application to Mini3250 from the PC, then you can release SERVER_N to high level. Figure 4.4 show the download progress. Figure 4.4 7> After download finish. The teminal outopt window will output the writing information. Writing kickstart ICR page 0 Writing kickstart data... Writing stage 1 application size info... Writing stage 1 application... Marking bootloader blocks as reserved... Kickstart and stage 1 update complete NOTE: Make sure the path of LPC3250_Loader.exe doesn't contain any Chi nese character, other wise, it won't run normally. 4.2 Update Uboot There two way to update the Uboot to the Mini3250, one is throught UART5 serial port. And the other is through SD card. Both of the two ways need to burn the Stage 1 Loader to Mini3250 first. 4.2.1 Update Uboot through UART5 Update the Uboot to the Mini3250, the hardware connection show as figure 4.1. and then follow the steps to download the Uboot to Mini3250 and burn it to NANDFLASH. 1> Run Tera Term Pro.exe in the host PC. Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 28 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 2> Click the "serial port ..." from the "set up"submenu to configure the serial port communication paramter to "com1 115200 8n1n ". and than click OK button. 3> In order to get into the Stage 1 Loader command line, please set GPI_02 or GPI_08 or GPI_09 to low level, and then reset Mini3250, then terminal will show prompt "TIMLL3250>". 4> Input the the follow command to download the u-boot.bin to Mini3250 SDRAM. TIMLL3250>load term raw 0x83fc0000 0x83fc0000 //download the Uboot from PC thought UART5 5> After that the Tera Term Pro will prompt "Starting terminal download, send break to stop". Please click the "send file " from the "file" submenu of the tera term to send the "u-boot.bin" to the Mini3250. NOTE: when sending the u-boot.bin to the Mini3250, the binary protocol mus t be selected to transport the image, you can select the binary option in the send file dialog. 6> After the transmit complete. Please send an break to the Mini3250 by click the "send break " from the "control " submenu of the tera term. 7> After download successes please Input the follow comand to write the Uboot to NANDFLASH from SDRAM. TIMLL3250>erase 6 6 1 //erase the nandflash except the stagel lodaer area TIMLL3250>write 0x83fc0000 384 320 0 //write the Uboot to Mini3250 NANDFLASH NOTE: Try "help " for command usage, for example: help erase. 4.2.2 Update Uboot through MicroSD card Updating the kernel image through MicroSD card, the hardware requirement is show as figure 4.1. The UART5 is optional as the UART5 just use for printing the imformation during update process. The follow steps will show you how to update the Uboot through MicroSD card. 1> Copy the u-boot.bin to the root directory of the MicroSD card. 2> Insert the MicroSD card to the MicroSD card slot and then reset Mini3250. 3> After Mini3250 detects the MicroSD card and the u-boot.bin in the MicroSD card, it will update the u-boot.bin to the NANDFLASH automatically. Loading bootloader to SDRAM from SD card .... success Starting block erase U-Boot update complete Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 29 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Loading kernel to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Loading Filesystem to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Running Bootloader from NANDFLASH 4.3 Update Linux Kenel In this version of Uboot, we provide two way to update kernel, one is throught netwrok (TFTP server), and the other is through the MicroSD card, user can select one of them to update the kernel image if it is necessary. 4.3.1 Update Kernel througt Network (TFTP server) In order to download the Linux kernel by network, User should expand the Ethernet module and UART5 serial moudle for Mini3250. shown as figure 4.5. VDD33 UART5 MII/RMII Mini3250 RS232 PHY PC TFTP GND Figure 4.5 The follow steps will describe how to download the kernel image through TFTP server. 1> Run serial communicating tool (i.e: hyper teminater under Windows XP or minicom under the Linux opeating system) on you developing platform, and set the communication paramter to "com1 115200 8n1". 2> Install the TFTP server to your develop platform. Make sure there is uImage kernel file in the folder where tftp server is provided on PC. power on Mini3250 and then press the "SPACE" key to get into the Uboot command line atfter the terminate prompt the "press any key to ...." 3> Input the follow command in the Uboot command line to set the kernel start enviroment.(note; the ip address of the TFTP server and Mini3250 must in the same segment) setenv bootfile uImage setenv fileaddr 80100000 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 30 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual setenv serverip setenv ipaddr setenv gatewayip setenv bootcmd 'nboot 80100000 0 1c0000;bootm' 4> Input the follow command in the Uboot command line to download the kernel to the SDRAM tftp 80100000 5> After the downlod complete,please input the follow command to burn it to the NANDFLASH. nand erase 1c0000 400000 nand unlock 1c0000 400000 nand write 80100000 1c0000 400000 nand lock 1c0000 400000 4.3.2 Update Kernel througt MicroSD Card Updating the kernel image through MicroSD card, the hardware requirement is show as figure 4.1. the UART5 is optional as the UART5 just use for printing the imformation during update process. The follow steps will show you how to update the Uboot through MicroSD card . 1> Copy the uImage to the root directory of the MicroSD card. 2> Copy the loadme_kernel.bin to the root directory of the MicroSD card and then rename it to loadme.bin. 3> Set SERVER_N pin to high level. 4> Insert the MicroSD card to the MicroSD card slot and then power up Mini3250. 5> After the Mini3250 detects the MicroSD card and the uImage in the MicroSD card, it will update the uImage to the NANDFLASH automatically. 6> Remove MicroSD card and reset. Loading bootloader to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Loading kernel to SDRAM from SD card .... success Loading Filesystem to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Running Bootloader from Block device U-Boot 1.3.3 (Jun 13 2010 - 15:10:33) DRAM: 64 MB NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 31 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Err: serial Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x1c0000, size 0x400000 Erasing at 0x5a0000 -- 100% complete. OK NAND write: device 0 offset 0x1c0000, size 0x400000 4194304 bytes written: OK Loading from NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit, offset 0x1c0000 Image Name: Image Type: Data Size: Linux- ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) 1697112 Bytes = 1.6 MB Load Address: 80008000 Entry Point: 80008000 4.4 Update JFFS2 filesystem When the file system in flash is damaged, file system of flash is to be updated for some reason, user can update it by downloading the filesystem through TFTP server or mounting root file system of PC using NFS. The hardware requemet are show as figure 4.1. Generate JFFS2 image for 2k page size NANDFLASH mkfs.jffs2 -r rootfs_dir -o rootfs_image.jffs2 -e 0x20000 -s 0x800 --pad=0x1e80000 -n -v Parameter: --pad write.jffs2 Define the size of filesystem image. It should be block aligned and match with nand If the file system you want to download is bigger than 60MB, please refer to the "4.4.2 Update firesystem through the NFS server" to update the file syst em. 4.4.1 Update the JFFS2 filesystem through Network There two way to update the file system to FLASH through network, one is through TFTP server, and the other is through NFS. <1> through TFTP server The operation of downloading the JFFS2 filesystem image to Mini3250 through TFTP server is almost the same as downloading the Linux kernel to Mini3250, after the hardware connection and environment setting, please follow the steps to update the JFFS2 system through the TFTP server: Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 32 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 1> Input the follow command in the Uboot command line to download the kernel to the SDRAM tftp 0x81000000 2> After the downlod complete,please input the follow command to burn the filesystem to the NANDFLASH. nand erase 5c0000 3a80000 nand write.jffs2 81000000 5c0000 1e80000 <2> through NFS server. Update the filesystem throught the NFS require installing the NFS to the host PC. Run following command when U-Boot startup to set U-Boot environment parameter: setenv bootargs 'console=ttyS0,115200n81 root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=:/home/nfs/nfs2440-III ip=:::' After booting, system will mount nfs and enter console terminal. After Mini3250 start up and mount the NFS, please enter the follow command to update the special filesystem to the NANDFLASH. The default pack of Mini3250-nfs includes several kinds of GUI graph interfaces. flash_eraseall /dev/mtd3 //erase the filesystem partition mount -t jffs2 /dev/mtdbloclk3 /mnt tar xzvf mini3250-qtopia-xxxxx.tar.gz -C /mnt //xxxxx stand for the touch or mouse. It correspond to the different GUI graph interfaces. 4.4.2 Update filesystem through MicroSD Card Updating the filesystem image through MicroSD card, the hardware requeiament is show as figure 4.1. the UART5 is optional as the UART5 just use for printing the imformation during update process. The follow steps will show you how to update the Uboot through MicroSD card. 1> 2> 3> 4> 5> 6> Copy rootfs_image.jffs2 to the root directory of MicroSD card. Copy loadme_fs.bin to the root directory of MicroSD card. Rename rootfs_image.jffs2 to fs, and loadme_fs.bin to loadme.bin. Set SERVER_N pin at high level. Insert the MicroSD card to the MicroSD card slot and then power up Mini3250. After the Mini3250 detects the MicroSD card and the fs in the MicroSD card, it will download the filesystem to the sdram automatically. 7> Then system will run loadme.bin. It copies fs from sdram to NANDFLASH. 8> Remove MicroSD card and reset after nand write complete. Loading bootloader to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 33 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Loading kernel to SDRAM from SD card .... File in SD root directory doesn't exist Loading Filesystem to SDRAM from SD card .... success Running Bootloader from Block device U-Boot 1.3.3 (Jun 13 2010 - 15:37:30) DRAM: 64 MB NAND: 128 MiB In: serial Out: serial Err: serial Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 NAND erase: device 0 offset 0x5c0000, size 0x7a40000 Erasing at 0x7fe0000 -- 100% complete. OK NAND write: device 0 offset 0x5c0000, size 0x1e80000 Writing data at 0x243f800 -- 100% complete. 31981568 bytes written: OK Loading from NAND 128MiB 3,3V 8-bit, offset 0x1c0000 Image Name: Image Type: Data Size: Linux- ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed) 1697112 Bytes = 1.6 MB Load Address: 80008000 Entry Point: 80008000 4.5 Customize Your Own loadme.bin "loadme.bin" is used mainly used to update image to NANDFLASH from MicroSD card. Now, we will tell you how to build your own loadme.bin to update your own image. Extract u-boot-1.3.3_loadme.tar.bz2 in CD "source\u-boot-1.3.3_loadme.tar.bz2". tar -jvxf u-boot-1.3.3_loadme.tar.bz2 -C /home cd /home/u-boot-1.3.3_loadme Open configration file vi include/configs/phy3250.h The only parameter you need to modify is: Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 34 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "nand erase 5c0000;nand write.jffs2 81000000 5c0000 1e80000;nboot 80100000 0 1c0000;bootm" That is the command system will run when u-boot startup. Before u-boot startup, the system automatically copy below files(if exist) to the specific address in SDRAM. Meanwhile, after complete copy u-boot.bin, system burns it into NANDFLASH immediately, so loadme.bin doesn't need to burn u-boot.bin, it's task is to burn uImage or fs. Filename(MicroSD) Copy to Addr(SDRAM) u-boot.bin 0x83FC 0000 uImage 0x8010 0000 fs 0x8100 0000 Then we can split the CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND string into 3 command string. #define CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND "nand erase 5c0000;nand write.jffs2 81000000 5c0000 1e80000;nboot 80100000 0 1c0000;bootm" nand erase 5c0000 # erase area from 0x5c0000 to the end of NANDFLASH nand write.jffs2 81000000 5c0000 1e80000 nboot 80100000 0 1c0000;bootm # write the image fs to NANDFLASH # read uImage in NANDFLASH and boot Please take attention to the command nand write.jffs2, The format is: nand write.jffs2 81000000 5c0000 But how do we know the filesize? It's defined by command mkfs.jffs2 when you create jffs2 filesystem: ./mkfs.jffs2 -r /home/nfs/nfs3250-III -o timll3250.jffs2 -e 0x20000 --pad=0x1e80000 -s 0x800 -n The parameter "--pad" is the filesize of your jffs2 filesystem image. Fill your own CONFIG_BOOTCOMMAND string, save the file. Then type command below. make phy3250_config make mv u-boot.bin loadme.bin Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 35 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Chapter 5 Linux Application Development Guide 5.1 Hardware Connection Connect UART5 port of Mini3250 and serial port of PC with serial cable provided with product. 5.2 Hyper Terminal Configuratin Open hyper terminal program on PC, and set parameter as below: 115200 Bits-per-second 8 Data Bits No Parity 1 Stop Bit No Flow Control Figure 5.1.1 Hyper Terminal Parameter Configuration Power up the device and boot information will show in hyper terminal. 5.2 Linux Software Usage 5.2.1 Command rz Receiving File from PC Type Linux command "rz" in shell mode. [root@bit /]# rz Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 36 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Click right-button of mouse, choose "send file", then pop-up a diagram, choose the file you want to send. Click button "Send", certain seconds later, the file will exist in your current directory. 5.2.2 Command tftp Receiving File From TFTP Server Type Linux command "tftp" in shell mode: [root@bit /]# tftp -r -g Eg: tftp -r myfile -g 5.2.3 Using USB Disk Connect USB disk and Mini3250 with the usb cable provided with product. Then terminal wil show: scsi 1:0:0:0: Direct-Access ChipsBnk SD/MMCReader 4081 PQ: 0 ANSI: 2 sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] 1990656 512-byte hardware sectors (1019 MB) sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] 1990656 512-byte hardware sectors (1019 MB) sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Assuming drive cache: write through sda: sda1 sd 1:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI removable disk Type command as below to mount the device. [root@bit /]# mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt Then the content in your USB disk will exist in directory /mnt. 5.2.4 Using MicroSD Card Insert MicroSD card in Mini3250 slot, then terminal will show: [root@bit /]# mmc0: host does not support reading read-only switch. assuming write-enable. mmc0: new SD card at address 0007 mmcblk0: mmc0:0007 SD2GB 1931264KiB mmcblk0: p1 Type command as below. [root@bit /]# mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt Then the content in your MicroSD will exist in directory /mnt. 5.2.5 Terminate Program Terminate current running program with Ctrl+C. Else, terminate background program with command "kill", for example as below. [root@bit /]# ps PID Uid 1 root VmSize Stat Command 540 S init 2 root SW< [kthreadd] 3 root SW< [ksoftirqd/0] Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 37 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual 4 root SW< [events/0] 258 root SW< [spi_lpc32xx.0] 316 root SW< [rpciod/0] 329 root 476 S < /sbin/udevd --daemon 353 bin 272 S /sbin/portmap 369 root 168 S /usr/sbin/telnetd -l /bin/login 371 root 740 S -sh 372 root 376 S /usr/sbin/boa 376 root 656 R ps [root@bit /]# kill 353 Then run command "ps", and the portmap program disappears. 5.2.6 Set System Time Refer to command "date" help information. [root@bit /]# date --help BusyBox v1.00 (2005.04.24-17:33+0000) multi-call binary Usage: date [OPTION]... [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]] [+FORMAT] Displays the current time in the given FORMAT, or sets the system date. Options: -R Outputs RFC-822 compliant date string -d STRING Displays time described by STRING, not now' -I[TIMESPEC] Outputs an ISO-8601 compliant date/time string. TIMESPEC=date' (or missing) for date only, hours', minutes', or seconds' for date and, time to the indicated precision. -s Sets time described by STRING -r FILE Displays the last modification time of FILE -u Prints or sets Coordinated Universal Time For example, set time to 2010-6-12 13:12, you should run command below. [root@bit /]# date -s 061213122010 Sat Jun 12 13:12:00 UTC 2010 If you want to store the time you set into rtc module, please run below command. [root@bit /]# hwclock -w 5.2.7 Button Test (Devkit3250) [root@bit /]# cd app/ [root@bit /app]# ./button Then press KEY1(GPI_01) KEY2(GPI_02) KEY3(GPI_08) KEY4(GPI_09) type = 1 , code = 65 type = 1 , code = 66 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 38 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual type = 1 , code = 67 type = 1 , code = 68 65/66/67/68 is the key code we set in driver. User can redefine the key code by editing file below. drivers/input/keyboard/buttons/buttons_devkit3250.c buttons_info_tab[] = { { IRQ_GPI_01, 0, INP_STATE_GPI_01, 0, 'A', "Key1" }, { IRQ_GPI_02, 0, INP_STATE_GPI_02, 0, 'B', "Key2" }, { IRQ_GPI_08, 0, INP_STATE_GPI_08, 0, 'C', "Key3" }, { IRQ_GPI_09, 0, INP_STATE_GPI_09, 0, 'D', "Key4" }, }; 5.2.8 Uart Test (Devkit3250) Device node of uarts register in Linux system: /dev/ttyS0 -> Uart5 /dev/ttyS1 -> Uart3 /dev/ttyS2 -> Uart4 /dev/ttyS3 -> Uart6 (IrDA) /dev/ttyTX0 -> Uart1 /dev/ttyTX1 -> Uart2 /dev/ttyTX2 -> Uart7 /dev/ ttySCMA0 -> Uart8 (Devkit3250 SPI extend) /dev/ ttySCMA1 -> Uart9 (Devkit3250 SPI extend) Run command below [root@bit /app]# ./com -d /dev/ttyS1 SEND: 1234567890 SEND: 1234567890 Connet the RX and TX pin of Uart3 with jumper, rerun the command. [root@bit /app]# ./com -d /dev/ttyS1 SEND: 1234567890 RECV: 1234567890 Notes: Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 39 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Pin Discription 2 RX 3 TX 5.2.9 EEPROM Test (Devkit3250) [root@bit /app]# ./eeprom eeprom write [0x000010]: hello Embest! eeprom read [0x000010]: hello Embest! dump buff_rd: 00000: 68 65 6c 6c 6f 20 0x008: 62 73 74 21 65 00 45 00 6d 00 5.2.10 Led & Beep Test (Devkit3250) [root@bit /app]# ./led gpio opened Input key command 'a' -> beep on 'b' -> beep off 'c' -> led on 'd' -> led off #?a key = 97(user) b key = 98(user) c key = 99(user) d key = 100(user) gpio released ^C [root@bit /app]# 5.2.11 Audio Test (Devkit3250) [root@bit /app]# madplay music.mp3 Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 40 of 41 Mini3250 User Manual Notes: The application source are in directory: CD\source\application Mini3250 User Guide Timll Technic Inc . Rev. 1.0 --5 September 2012 41 of 41